LP FORMATION 22-23 | École Purusha
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À propos

 Professional and spiritual training and personal renewal

  Cecile Hontoy (Swami Purushananda) is an accredited teacher.
She is dedicated to training your mind in positive resilience.
To do this, she has retrained at the university as well as in various recognized yogic and psychological schools throughout

her 40-year career.
Her own unique learning and experience offers you the fabulous culture of her school of human relations from a vision of a modern, open, philosophical, critical and grounded spirituality.
Whether you are looking for a personal training to help you become resilient and regain the pleasure of your Life or a professional resourcing in personal or business coaching, you will be truly satisfied and nourished.
You will also discover, with a pleasant surprise, a new, creative and original way of facilitating groups in human relations charged with an exceptional empathy and compassion.
You will easily practice ritualistic shamanic tools as well as meditative and initiatory yogic tools,

as well as those of the great wisdomof level 4 language programming.
Welcome to this unique training!

Formation spirituel ecolePurusha



(Testimony: Hélène 78ans, Kriya workshop: the 5 breaths of life, 2022)

When I escaped from my forced imprisonment in 1979, I swore to myself that I would create spiritual families.

After training in counselling and teaching (UQAM 1982), Hatha Yoga and meditation (1982), ancient shamanism (M.A. UQAM 1992), art therapy (1994), transpersonal psychology (1994), and initiatory yoga such as sannyasin (1992), I began my sacred work in shamanic and yogic groups in 1996. The goal was to counter the loneliness, the sadness of the isolated, the dullness of the seekers of truths in a universe of everything and nothing at the same time!    Current neurocognitive scientific research demonstrates what ancient shamans and informed yogis have always sensed! The human being is not isolated and it is thanks to his cerebral resonance with others that he can obtain an optimal health at the social level as well as behavioral and intelligent. Isolated, the individual remains in the grip of modern anguish and anxiety.

Since several constellations of souls, several groups of trainings in ancient shamanism and yogic asceticism and initiation were born and continued during the three official years of the training but also benefited from the trainings always updated and à la carte according to the needs of each and everyone.

Welcome to the course!

Formations accréditées en yoga et méditations pour tous écolepurusha.jpg


 My initiatory name is Swami Purushananda. I have received the Hindu initiations of sannyasa and kriya yoga. But long before these classical initiations of the path of non-duality, I studied Hatha Yoga and became a teacher of it, I confess, by accident! But what an accident!
Indeed, I wanted to teach from the very first class my students also wanted to do Hatha Yoga. So I started teaching what I never thought I would teach: what I now consider to be the sacred dance of fullness and good health. I have been teaching it officially since 1987. I must admit that this discipline still surprises me every day by the many benefits it offers for our full holistic health. I have trained very little in the area of teaching and I like to choose my students.
I am opening a new training in Teaching Yoga and Meditation.  If you consider it you will notice that the typical courses take one year and that from the second year you can teach the art of living through Hatha Yoga and meditation. Your training will continue for another year in the form of mentoring.  I have trained 25 female yoga teachers and most of them have wanted to continue on the path of sannyasin (deep yogic ascetic and sacred life mission).
What characterizes the Purusha school is its ability to adapt to its clientele, to take you as you are, to offer the best for all ages and to let each one of you be free on your own sacred path.

We look forward to teaching you soon!

Formations accréditées en yoga et méditations pour tous écolepurusha
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