Online and indoor Yoga classes suitable for everyone to take some time to themselves, to stay in shape and to relax deeply.
Each class includes a series of thematic movements, an entry into self-hypnosis to manage emotions and associated false beliefs,
as well as a lesson of wisdom to follow for the week or for your whole life if you want!
Winter 2024 session,
I offer 12 classes at $24 per class
Start mid-January 2024
Our online and indoor YOGA classes
can be replaced in the event of absence.
Cécile Hontoy, Swami Purushananda, your teacher Master Yogui
Cécile-Purusha Hontoy, Swami Purushananda, 40 years of experience, is recognized as Charia Yogi, an international Master in Asthanga yoga, laya yoga, kundalini yoga and Kriya yoga.
She is passionate about yoga and the philosophy of adhyathma yoga, integral yoga!
"My initiatory name in the path of yoga is Purushananda. Through my different experiences and research, I lead you into concentration, focus, motivation, relaxation, letting go and teach you the different breathing exercises in order to accentuate deep yogic meditative states called: yogic trance states. Then your body relaxes allowing your well-being to increase. You thus establish anchors of well-being into which you can dive back when you need."
Swami Purushananda